Sagar's PhotoGraphy


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Faces & Portraits Of Nepal (नेपाली अनुहारहरु )

Nepal The Himalyan Kingdom lots of people and lots of faces with diffrent caste I tried to capture all
Faces in Nepal  with Nikkon's D810 with Lens 70-200 85mm f2.8 and 85 mm prime f2.8 .. and 
somewith Canon's 5D Mark III 85mm prime lens

There is a face I know too well,   
A face I dread to see,
So vain it is, so eloquent
Of all futility.

It is a human face that hides
A monkey soul within,
That bangs about, that beats a gong,   
That makes a horrid din.

Sometimes the monkey soul will sprawl   
Athwart the human eyes,
And peering forth, will flesh its pads,   
And utter social lies.

So wretched is this face, so vain,   
So empty and forlorn,
You well may say that better far   
This face had not been born.


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