Sagar's PhotoGraphy


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Five Tricks to Make the Best of Foliage Photography

Falls About to Start .... and now lets talk about Foliage! Well, whether you know or not, they can fill nature with color. And, especially during the fall, foliage can be extremely wonderful. They usually have so many colors that you will remain staring at them for hours together. And so, no wonder foliage makes an exciting subject for nature photography.
maple leaf -- foliage photography
Photo Credits: Mike Gabelmann

A large number of photographers prefer going for foliage photography. There are enough reasons for this. It’s quite difficult to get the wide range of colors that foliage offers in any other form of nature photography. Besides, while taking photograph of foliage, it is possible for you to go for landscape snaps as well as close range pictures. This really comes in handy when you are planning to explore various photography techniques. However, you need to keep a few things in mind when you are planning foliage photography.

Find the Right Location
Location is probably the most important thing that you need to keep in mind when planning foliage photography. You have to find the right place where colors are found in plenty. It is always a good idea to start clicking the photos from the higher altitudes. Colors are usually found aplenty there. Check out the internet or read books on the best places that you can visit to find the wonderful colors of autumn. You can check out the state tourism website as well to find the details about the best places to click photographs of foliage.

When is the Best Time?
Well, this is one of the most important questions to ask when you are going for foliage photography. The light plays an important role in ensuring that the photo, that you click ultimately, comes out in a wonderful manner. However, not all places have the same time to click pictures. You need to know when is the perfect time to click the best pictures from that place. This surely will help you get the best clicks from that spot.

Click from Different Ranges

Decide the distance from where you are planning to click the pictures. If you are planning to click foliage and if you are at the right place, you will find colors all over. Use the long range shots initially. Then you can go for close range ones as well. Click a single leaf with multiple colors or a number of trees that show the colors of fall in the best possible manner. The different ranges from where you are clicking the pictures will help to give it new dimensions. This will surely be one of the best ways to click the pictures. It will help you to win appreciations and besides, will surely make the picture a perfect one.

Look for Reflections of Foliage on Water Bodies
If you are planning to click foliage images during fall, you can get some wonderful clicks. But for that, you should not look for forests and trees only. Instead, search for a lake with trees surrounding it. These lakes can usually be excellent components of foliage photography. The colorful leaves look wonderful when they reflect in the waters of the lakes. So, you should look for such reflections in places near to your house. Once you get such a frame for your photo shoot, it is sure to become a big hit among the photography experts.

Look Around as Well
If you think the colorful trees are the only places to get the best pictures of the foliage, think again! Just keep your eyes open and look on the forest floors. You will find a large array of colors scattered in form of dry leaves there. Click them and get the best pictures there.
No matter what kind of photo you are clicking of the foliage, creativity is the key to it. It is important for you to know from which angle you should click a picture. This is going to help you get the best clicks of foliage photography. You can also use digital or film camera. But make sure you remain focused during the development of the photo to help reflect maximum colors in it. This will make the image richer and a truer reflection of the nature outside.


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